In training in the arts and sciences–or even in children learning language–students, trainees, children tend to (at first) imitate their parents and teachers (and later they innovate for their own uniqueness of performance and expression). But the Manifestations of God have commanded a direct and immediate experience of God for each and every individual. In fact this is the second principle of the Baha’i Faith. Islam means to submit or surrender to the everlasting Covenant of God–which is the Will of God– which means NOT performing taqlid. Taqlid means to “collar yourself” to blind imitation (like a dog or animal–thus de-humanizing) which is forbidden. Those who collar/taqlid are not submissive in surrendering their will to God alone–and are NOT being independant of all save God. This is why the Kingdom of God is the government of God and not of man. No man shall govern or rule upon another–but God himself shall be their king and ruler–meaning that the people are in relationship with God and are AGAINST the Incarnate-Lie of mere men to whom they perform taqlid. It is forbidden to perform taqlid with the Manifestations of God, the Center of the Covenant, the Guardians, the UHJ or any one. Even God in our relationship with him prefers free will exercise of true love–and does not make puppets of us. Fealty and loyalty out of LOVE is NOT taqlid.
The only true religion in the world that preserves this fealty and loyalty of true love by informed consent and free will is the real faith under the provisions of the Covenant. The real guardian of the Baha’i faith guards us from taqlid, and allows the free people to live openly with God, in God, before God, after God and all in all of God. There is no time in the world of God. Everything is now. While this teaching may be found hidden and concealed in all of the Revelations to greater and lesser degrees–it is only practiced–and explicitly revealed as the “unsealed choice wine”– in the real world via the Kingdom now upon the earth (through the power of the Covenant of Baha’u’llah as delineated in the provisions of the sacred Will and Testament of ‘Abdu’l-Baha)–the sine qua non of which is the genuine authentic living Davidic king seated upon the throne of King David that is to last for ever. This is different from religions per se. The Jewish, Christian, Islamisms and Baha’i “religions” all preserve a place in their Holy Texts for the throne of King David and the one seated upon it as an important personage and welcomed member of their respective holy communities. In reality the Revelation of Baha’u’llah is NOT a religion per se, but the government from God for the earth–that is international for the globe. In this free and open society–God is ever present for the direct and immediate experience of the people. In the presence of God there is no crime, no poverty, no hurt, no disease, no ills, etc. The people are happy. They are uniquely themselves–and not in blind imitations of any others. They reflect God purely as they know and understand the divine and transcendent mind that immanently animates us all. They understand the relationship of the organic teachers of God–the primordial educators–who are the founders of the progressive civilization that naturally arise from the Will of God amongst us within the world of being. Not enough can be said about this All-Important Theme. They are not coerced under the pressure of manmade “rulers” or manmade “over-lordships.” No! They are free people even as the Davidic King is a free man. They are enlightened and in contact with the divine even as each and everyone one of us has this capacity: for “in my soul I am free!” As God loves those who work in groups–they come together to form societies and projects. The throne of King David is the sign of international peace through real justice. It is not a taqlid– nor is it a lordship controlling or intimidating peoples as do the manmade governments, “benevolent or malevolent dictatorships”, “One-man rule” or “totalitarian states” or any other earthly construct.
The Kitab-i-‘Ahd states that the “government of the earth is vouchsafed unto them”–The “THEM” are the current monarchies, kings, and rulerships of the world. This includes the monarchy (now as exilarchate) of King David’s throne-line as well. Baha’u’llah states however that the “hearts” of the kings and rulers “belong to God.” The “Baha’is” were never meant to rule or govern the material earth–it is the Covenant-breakers who lust for worldly earthly power and who have disseminated these LIES!!! God has already allowed for the rulers and monarchs and kings and governments of the nations to be populated by the leaderships of the peoples and tribes. He vouchsafes their jurisdictions and confirms their authorities as contingent upon the Most Great Justice. If they go against God they will be subjected to troubles and punishments that naturally arise from wrong governance. If they accept the guidance of God and spiritualize they will undoubtedly prosper (as has the British monarchy that was fair to Baha’u’llah) and win the love of all the peoples. The Davidic Kingship is also one of these throne-lines promised and preserved by God that is subject to His laws, under His command, and should it deviate “a hair’s breath” (W&T, p. 9) from the natural Will of the Kind Lord, it and that one will see great suffering and ruin just as any other king (see Pslams 89 for more)–but to David the promise shall continue for ever.
I remain yours, your servant, Neal