“Study the Tablet of the Holy Mariner that ye may know the truth and consider that the Blessed Beauty hath fully foretold future events. Let them who perceive take warning. Verily in this is a bounty for the sincere!”
‘Abdu’l-Baha, Selections #233.
The Establisher of The Baha’i Faith, Dr. Leland Jensen, reading the Tablet of The Holy Mariner
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Commentary on The Tablet of the Holy Mariner
Preface to the Commentary
A commentary on Baha’u’llah’s Tablet of the Holy Mariner, read privily to Dr. Leland Jensen, Establisher of the Baha’i Faith, Knight of Baha’u’llah and the Seventh Angel of Revelation 11:15, in the Spring of 1996, revised according to his behest, and submitted humbly at his request, to the people of Baha, the companions of the Crimson Ark, by a fellow servant of God the all Glorious in His Cause and under His Everlasting Covenant, in this 100th year after the passing of the center of His Covenant, Abdu’l-Baha’.
This is one servant’s limited understanding of only an infinitesimally minute portion of the radiant gems of wisdom which abound in each and every word of this Glorious Tablet as set down by Baha’u’llah. It is in no way intended as, nor could it ever be considered, definitive by any measure.
Introduction to the Commentary
The Tablet of the Holy Mariner is an extremely complex prophecy, which spans the reaches of time and space, and takes flight throughout the realms of both physical and spiritual understanding all at once. During the nights of the 9th and 10thdays of Ridvan of 1996, while being allowed to peer ever so briefly into the depths of its ocean, this servant was transported to a realm wherein perception was felt to be coming from many points in the same instant. So overwhelming was this experience that the hand could not keep pace with the stream of consciousness and the writer lapsed into a state in which the pen began to write far more rapidly than the mind could organize the thoughts. This commentary represents a portion of what this servant had the capacity to commit to paper in the fleeting hours during which the gift of insight was bestowed, and the subsequent revisions and expansions thereof requested of this servant by Dr. Jensen, the prophesied Establisher of the Baha’i Faith. Pray God, may it assist others in carrying out the admonition of ‘Abdu’l-Baha as quoted above.
The Tablet of the Holy Mariner with Commentary
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