Some of the many writings of the Establisher of the Baha’i Faith
by Dr. Leland Jensen
An official Rendition by the Promised 7th Angel, who fulfills Biblical Prophecies, explained by ‘Abdu’l-Baha as recorded in Some Answered Questions, also prophesied to come under different titles, such as “Blessed is He” who comes in 1963, explained by ‘Abdu’l-Baha as recorded in Baha’u’llah and the New Era, the knight on the white horse, the Lamb, The Land, the return of Jesus the High Priest and by various names and titles as found in all Revelations of the Divine Manifestations.
by Dr. Leland Jensen
PROPHECY IS FULFILLED BUT EXPECTATIONS ARE NOT! Jesus has just returned! He has come a second time, and already a number of the dead in Christ have resurrected out of their graves and have met him in the air, the air is down here on earth, the higher up you go the less air there is. This is just like it says in the Bible. He has “descended from heaven with a cry of command, with the archangel’s call, and with the sound of the trumpet of God” (I Thess. 4:16). Those that have been left alive are about to join them and meet him in the air (I Thess. 4:17). Their number will increase until they comprise the 144,000 of Revelation, chapters 7 and 14, of whom will be the elect of Matt 24:22. Then the bombs will drop! The multitude will not resurrect until the bombs drop on their churches (tombs) destroying them. “These are they who” will “have come out of great tribulation”–the four winds of destruction–(Rev. 7:14). Within a short time the four great waves of destruction, that will come one succeeding the other, will be over. Before this happens “every eye will see him” (Rev. 1:7), and every head will bow before the Throne, the Guardianship of the living Davidic King (Rev. 7:9-12). This will comprise those that are left, that had not been taken by the great catastrophe. He is now here upon the earth alive breathing air, not up in the sky where there is not any air. MOST OF THE CHRISTIANS WILL MISS THE RAPTURE before the bombs drop on their cities because they are so dead in the theologies (clouds of heaven) of their church that they will not be able to see him on his return until they have become purified by the fire of the oncoming thermonuclear holocaust, or one of the other succeeding waves to the great tribulation. As a cloud in the sky veils the light of the sun, so a cloud of heaven veils the light of Jesus on his return. Because of these theologies the Christians–the dead in Christ–believe that Jesus resurrected up into the sky, and that when he returns the rapture will take place in the sky, yet no place in the scriptures does it say this…. So it is today. The Christians have their eyes glued to the sky. They don’t know the difference between the sky and heaven because they have not partaken of the Life-Giving Spirit. Because the scriptures state that Jesus ascended up into heaven they imagine that he ascended up into the sky, and when he returns will come streaking across the sky and the believers will ascend up into the sky to meet him. Therefore, they do not want, and are in opposition to, the Promised Ones, that descended out of heaven, sent to them by God, that were Promised in the Holy Scriptures. They are asleep in their graves (their apostate churches)–spiritually dead–and the masses won’t resurrect until the thermonuclear bombs drop on their tombs (their churches) and opens them so they can come out. And then it may be too late for most of them. BUPC.ORG/UHJ.NET
The Beast: Is About to Be Dead
by Dr. Leland Jensen
Nothing has captured the imagination and conjecture of the people more than that of the Apocalypse, as this is found in all the holy books of the world. The Christians are awaiting the advent of the Antichrist and the Beast which is to precede the return of Jesus Christ and Armageddon. Here, for the first time, Dr. Leland Jensen brings to life the amazing visions of Jeane Dixon, adding an entire New Dimension to this subject and revealing the fulfillment Jeane’s most outstanding vision: “THE CHILD OF THE EAST.” In A Gift of Prophecy it states: “Visions which come to Mrs. Dixon are unchangeable, because they represent the will of God. The coming event cannot, consequently, be prevented” (p. 155). Therefore, the reading public is waiting for the fulfillment of these visions. In this book, for the first time, “THE CHILD OF THE EAST” has been definitely identified. Jeane states that: “The world as we know it will be reshaped and revamped into one without wars or suffering… he will bring together all mankind in one all-embracing faith. This will be the foundation of a new Christianity, with every sect and creed united through this man who will walk among the people to spread the wisdom of the Almighty Power” (A Gift of Prophecy, pp. 171, 172). This book represents not only his amazing credentials, but gives his interpretations of some of Jeane’s other visions such as the Snake and her two visions that she had in St. Matthew’s Cathedral. Also by using Jeane Dixon’s Criteria, he definitely identifies the Antichrist and slays him with the sword of his mouth. He also exposes the Beast and Dragon prophesied to come in the Book of Revelation. This is all backed up by the most realistic and accurate proofs. The Bible and the Great Pyramid come alive and become clear as crystal. This will excite the reader to new horizons, especially what “THE CHILD OF THE EAST.” has to say of what is to take place next! He will become the most talked about person in the world and what he has to say will be of the most discussed subjects. It will be a common conversational piece. Everyone will get in on the act; no one will be able to remain neutral. Everyone will take sides, either for or against. As the events that “THE CHILD OF THE EAST” has predicted take place just exactly as he stated, ultimately everyone in the world will become a believer; there will be mass conversion. “Attempting to describe her own sensation, Jeane says: “I felt suspended and enfolded, as if I were surrounded by whipped cream. For the first time I understood the full meaning of the Biblical phrase, ‘My cup runneth over.’ I loved all mankind. I felt that I would never again need food or sleep, because I had experienced perfect peace” (A Gift of Prophecy, p. 172). It will be just like Jeane said. Read this book and find out for yourself.