Baha’i Sabbath: Qawl 2, 180 B.E. (11/24/2023)

The Three Articles of the League of Nations Covenant #2137 Outlawing War. It is Long Overdue that we Call on All Signatory Nations to Come Together and Elect the Committee To End War to Activate This Binding Covenant of Peace and Friendship, the Covenant of Lasting Peace.


The Kellogg-Briand Paris Peace Pact (1928); the Universal Declaration of Unalienable Human Rights (1948); the World Ethic Document (1994) are all outward expressions of the three LOVE Commanments:
(A) To LOVE the God of Justice, Love and Peace above all else: meaning we uphold the Covenant of Love, our promise to God and Ourselves to renounce all conflict and strife, and cooperate together to co-create a more perfect union and society for the Oneness of Humanity on earth in this life here and now.
(B) To LOVE our neighbor as ourself according to the Golden Rule do unto others as you would have them do unto you: unalienable human rights
(C) “I give you a New Commandment [Love Commanment #3] that you LOVE one another the way I Love you: the Golden Ethic to Activate Article 2 “pacific means” to end all international military conflicts (war) that impede the unified EFFORT of the people to bring forth an ever advancing progressive civilization!
Now these three Documents are the documentary evidence of the REAL Promises we ALL made with one another in 1928ff…and Humanity has been DIVIDED into thirds: those who uphold the Pact, like all US military families the served in WWII or first responder workers, like those families at 9/11, who give their LIVES to rescue the innocent victims of the carnage those in violation of the 1928 Covenant create; and every human being that has a throbbing heart pounding beats of Love hope and prayers that the baby killing will end; then there’s those who are against it.
These are those who outwardly do not declare their own hidden agendas and “evil” (vacuous and self-centered selfish) purposes. They are FOR themselves, NOT for the people. EG, in the US, this government (derived and inspired from the principles of human rights and the lessons of history preserved and enshrined in ancient holy texts) it is OF the people, BY the people, and FOR the people! If your “selfish” GO WORK IN the private sector!
YOU (mr & ms “selfish” don’t belong in government.
Now YOU “private sector” person can’t “BUY” our votes any more!
Then there’s the third division: the Ostrich Act, so to speak. These are the people who dont want to have to make a “choice”, they just “don’t want to hear about any of it”, and out of fear they stick their fingers in their ears, and like the Ostrich they stick their head in the sand, but that doesn’t stop the steamroller coming down the road that’s going to squash them…
When it comes to Universal Peace for the Oneness of Humanity, ostriches remained unaware 150 years ago until 2023, that NOT upholding the New Law of 1928 would directly BE the Cause of the ruination of all the world, planet, environment, society, family, occupations, human relationships, and even the “desire” to live…
Broken promises cause broken hearts. Break your own promise, and you break…
Consider this, everyone on the planet today is still under the duress of UN-processed post WWII trauma…And the ostriches are awakening…
GOOD! Because we ostriches are the majority! When we pull our heads out of the mainstream “sand bar) we choose life!
LIFE today, means when the majority CHOOSE, than those against it have lost. AND, therefore the war mongers have already lost. Because “We are NOT an ostrich: we are Human Beings!” All of us, have that one thing in common: We are human beings!
And we ALL want to Act humane, we really do!, but…we Don’t know how…And circumstances force us to do what we do…
YAY! Now that it’s obvious that the global catastrophe is upon us, CIRCUMSTANCES are going to be the cause of World Peace, immediately! Sooner not later…Yay!
And God gives the solution! That is, these solutions are contained in ancient texts, now understood from the standpoint of post-modern prophetic/spirituality…
The Consitutional Model of Medina, the first Human Rights Based Free and Open Society in the history of the entire 6000 years documented history of man (that embodies all three Love Commanments at once) FLOURISHED in the zenith of its Glory, as enjoyed by the people who lived in “The City” in 628 AD, and then, one day, on a Thursday–the Thursday Calamity–“The City” was gone…
On July 4, 1776 “The City” reappeared, where it stands today on capital hill and Our 3rd, President, held that scroll of Medina rolled up in his hands, within, the outer roll of the declaration of independence, the constitution of the United States and the Bill of rights…
The Medina Constitution Model was good enough for Jefferson, good enough for Muhammad and Ali, and it’s good enough as a template and a model for both Israel and Palestine, AND for all nations to properly Activate Article 2 “pacific means” in a flexible and durable dynamic peace process way…
May this talk inspire!
LNC 2137 ✨️

The Twelve Basic Principles of the Baha’i Faith

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