Baha’i Sabbath: Sharaf 13, 180 B.E. (1/12/2024)


The Sagan-Velikovsky Incubator (SVI) has many facets: scientific, religious, historical, astronomical, archaeological, archaeo-astonomical, biblical, legend, myth, psychology, etc, etc, are all contained in the heart-bed of that hot public scientific dialogue and debate; science needs that type of “heat” (h=mc2) in order to be authentic and progressive, as much as it needs, what I would call “non-science fiction” a type of “speculative literature” that Harlan Ellison described along the lines of the “parables” of PKD that are subsumed in his gnostic compendium, The Exigeses; Clarke’s discovery of the communication satellite, and some of the writings of Ursula K. LeGuin, for example : its not science fiction, and parts of it (at the time of composure) might not yet be scientific fact, but like a “star incubator” good ideas, better models, and wonderful advancements, and scientific fact are born out of it…as well as a better-scientific social society, one that is allowed to foster diversity in a healthy and holistic climate of diversity WHEN all members are Imbued with spiritual qualities and attributes manifested in their personalities and characters, retain a sense of humor, and enjoy the Autonomy of all members, none of whom are under the control of any others…
Now ONLY in a free and Open Society like the United States of America, gives a man like Tyson or Galileo, Madame Curi and Sagan, Einstein or Velikovsky the FREEDOM to publicly and openly profess their scientific and religious beliefs, and push the bounds of first amendment domains (thanks to martyrs like Lenny Bruce and Abbe Hoffman) to increase the public capacity for critical thinking and social change…
ONLY a Free and Open Society like the United States of America with its Constitutional Law and Bill of Rights, that upholds these “truths we find to be self-evident” (the “sacredness” of being a human, with equal human, social, intellectual and civil rights in the Oneness of Humanity for ALL) can potentially provide such an environment IF and ONLY that Government upholds the Kellogg-Briand Paris Peace Pact Internationally…
Under Title 6 of the US Constitution all US American Citizens are protected and guaranteed all their Constitutional Rights and Freedoms. In other words if all the rest of the world were give no freedoms to their own people, the US is still protected under title six, because we the people, have the right to live here, in our own land of birth, the way we (by the majority or unanimity) democratically agree…
Now Americans have a lot of unanimity! Things we all agree upon. Now these Agreements may not all be “self-evident” accept that they are, eg:
A) The Outlawry of Murder
I like this agreement. Because it’s so well known that murder is illegal, many murders are prevented because people know if the cops don’t get them or the loved ones of the killed don’t hunt those murderers down themselves, or at some point they don’t make amends and turn themselves in, then if they have a Christian background they’ll be judged by Jesus in the afterlife (kind of the same as the Osiris role in “The Book of Waking-Up in the Mourning”) and go to hell or be “thrown alive” in the “Nile” (styx) of the afterlife, to be eaten by a huge crocodile, and slowly digested in “the lake of fire” of the levithans acid stomach for all eternity without ever reaching the point of actual “non-exisistence”…what both the Book of Revelation and the Book of Egypt refers to as the “first and second” “deaths”…
While none of this has stopped all murders for all time (as of yet…), I like this law because I feel somewhat reasonably assured I won’t be murdered, or my children won’t be murdered, when we go to the movie theater, supermarket, mall, town Square, and public school….so I like this agreement….
B) Taffic Laws! I like that I can drive my vehicle around a dynamic action-packed, economical booming town, like my current hometown here in the USA (or what my friends report free life in Russia is like now for everyone there…) and feel reasonably confident that of all the “laws of traffic” on coming one’s shall drive on their side, aka, the opposite side of the road! Now I don’t know anyone anywhere on the entire planet who is not in favour of that law!….OK, not everyone everywhere agrees on what side of the road or what direction of the road, but they ALL agree! Even on a one lane road of two directions unmarked in the middle of no where, or two people who’ve opened the same door at the same time from opposite sides, to take turns! Or go simultaneously by agreement, consent, or cooperation to move by one another simultaneously with damage to one another or each other’s vehicles…OK, when your traveling at high velocities however, you need lanes, and things….the white house wasn’t stormed over unfair automobile “trafficking” laws….
C) I like the 1928 Law that Outlaws war…
I like this law because it reminds me of “dumb and dumber”–“So what your saying is:”There is a chance!”….so I get a modicum of hope…
I like this law of 1928, because it confirms my previously unconfirmed suspicions, that ALL these corrupt activities that ruin people’s lives are in Fact Illegal!! Thank God! Thank God, for this law!
I like this law, not because all war is yet to be Abolished forever altogether, but for the fact of all those others it prevented in the first place! Giving the people of the World a reprieve from nuking ourselves since 1945…
I like the fact that IF everyone knew this law, to such a point of KNOWING like Idemnity for Murder and to such a point of OBEYING in Actual personal Practice, like local Traffic law, without a doubt all war would be abolished…
I could wake up in the morning, drive across Manhatten city New York in my car, with my children, on the way to elementary school during “rush hour” and have No Real Concerns about getting rammed by another vehicle on purpose (like the folks hit as pedestrians at that recent human rights be-in) or my children being murdered (as in Rob, Columbine, …and I lost count of the other names…) or walking on their way to school by bullies, drive-bys, or fear-based “community servants” because my child is “different ” or wearing a hoody, or jogging through their own neighborhood, or having their door kicked because of “swating” and false reports; nor be the least concerned of an Immanent Thermonuclear Strike or a chemical biological or other type nuclear attack…
Today, people are dumbfounded! They have nothing to say about “the current low” in actual group global morale…
Hung up in a type of self-suspended-animation–I heard one say the other evening–“We know what mortality is! We know what Immortality is!…but what do you call it when your stuck in the present moment waiting to die? That’s neither Immortality–life never seeing death and its not death itself…its something in between,…”…”What is it?!”, he cried out into the open crowd….
More scientific investigation into reality backed up by the spiritual science of compassion, humor, and the LOVE of learning, and the LOVE to grow, in the personalities and characters of all involved…
Then human beings will make, as Shoghi Effendi, has stated, “a double-movement forward” in both scientific understanding and personal individual spiritual growth…

The Three Articles of the League of Nations Covenant #2137 Outlawing War. It is Long Overdue that we Call on All Signatory Nations to Come Together and Elect the Committee To End War to Activate This Binding Covenant of Peace and Friendship, the Covenant of Lasting Peace.

The Twelve Basic Principles of the Baha’i Faith

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