Baha’i Sabbath: Qawl 18, 178 B.E. (12/10/2021)


[From the Guardian, Shoghi Effendi:]

10 December 1926

To an individual believer

Dear co-worker:

Your welcome letter, breathing the spirit of loving devotion to the interests of humanity, has touched my heart.

I am greatly pleased to learn of your awakened interest in the Divine Message Bahá’u’lláh has given to the world, and of your keen desire to investigate and study it. You have truly grasped its essence when you characterized it as a Faith so new and fresh in its vitality and yet so old in the truth upon which it is based.

I am convinced that as you travel, whether in America, Europe, Asia, or Australasia, and get in contact with its fervent and devoted followers in the divers regions of the world you will increasingly realize the unique potency, the transforming power, the all-unifying force which distinguish the Bahá’í Faith from the religious and humanitarian movements of this age.

I shall be delighted to meet you in ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s home here in the Holy Land, and I cannot tell whether future developments will enable me to seek a much needed rest during the hot summer months. If I can at all manage to get the rest I need, I will certainly be back by the middle of October at which time I trust you will be able to visit Palestine.

I wish to assure you of my best wishes for your success, happiness and spiritual advancement and of my joy and hope to accord you a warm welcome in our home.

Your true brother in the service of God and humanity,


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