According to the court documents themselves there are only about thirty followers of the so-called Orthodox Baha’i Faith (or Remeyites, as I prefer to call them.) But the real problem with this article is that it distorts what this court case is really all about. The National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’is of the United States is merely attempting to enforce an *existing* court order which came as a result of a lawsuit the Remeyites had themselves filed in 1964 where, under Mason Remey’s direction, they themselves attempted to claim a monopoly, not only over the term “Baha’i” but to claim all Baha’i properties as well. Had Mason Remey
believed this was something that should be decided in hearts and
minds, and not in the courts, this court order would never have been
issued in the first place. Remey, by the way, accepted that court order and ordered his organization to disband and stop using the term “Baha’i.” That is when Joel Marangella broke with Mason Remey and claimed the Guardianship for himself, forming the “Orthodox Baha’i Faith.” Their argument has been that since they are a separate organization they are not bound by the court order issued against Mason Remey’s organization. The National Spiritual Assembly holds that this new organization was but a subterfuge around the court’s original decision. This is what is being argued before the Court of Appeals. It is an issue of who owns the Baha’i trademarks, not which faction is really ‘orthodox.’ The National Spiritual Assembly is not trying to infringe on anyone’s religious liberty, merely to safeguard the names and symbols of their own organization. Susan