Baha’i Sabbath: Nur 5, 174 B.E. (6/9/2017)

According to the scripture, the Bible is not against all forms of world order. In fact the Bible supports one of them. It supports the one that has the living descendant of King David as its president. Wheresoever the throne of King David is located is known as ZION. Zion literally means the place of David’s throne. At one time Zion was located in Jerusalem. Then Nebuchadnezzar burned down Jerusalem and brought the living Davidic King and the physical throne of David into captivity in Babylon. At that time Babylon then became ZION the place of David’s throne and its spelling is changed to Babalon to equal Zion numerically. Today Mt. Zion and the throne of King David is currently located in a specific spot of the Rocky Mountains of the United Sates of America. This is the true meaning of Zionism. Political Zionism was an effort to prepare the way for the placing of the throne of King David on Mt. Carmel in Haifa, Israel. This was hijacked and co-opted with the killing of Shoghi Effendi and the exiling of ‘Abdu’l-Baha’s legally adopted aghsan-son to the US where the throne of King David resides today. Mt. Zion has been depicted in prophecy, legend and mythologies as the mysterious mountain that moves throughout the world and may appear at any time in any place in any land.

The Kingdom of God, therefore, is not a mysterious place somewhere in outer space above the clouds and sky. No. The Kingdom of God is a real Kingdom, a government from God with laws, subjects and a king. It is the government of God ruling upon the throne of King David (Is. 9:6-7).

The throne of David is the seat of the international Executive branch of this government, a democratic monarchy for all the people of the world. All the nations of the world will elect an international court and this will form the legislative and judicial body for the settlement of all disputes with the Davidic King as its president. This is the settlement over the “controversy of Zion” (Is. 34:8).  In the different prophecies and traditions of the world this circle has many different names and titles: Black Elk, for example sees this as the world hoop of the nations surrounding the tree of life; Jesus told the Christians to pray for the Kingdom of God on earth; Isaiah called it the “house of the Lord” (Is. 2) that is inscribed in stone in front of the UN Building in New York City; John sees 24 thrones surrounding the throne of King David in chapter 4 of the Book of Revelation. Thus rule by law–and not might makes right–will be the new core value of justice for all peoples and colors of the world hoop–soon to occur as it is written in the twinkling of an eye we shall all be transformed. (1 Cor. 15:52)


In the Bible when the Jewish people were turned against King David and sought to kill him under the orders of King Saul–David–that means beloved–was protected by the Palestinian people. If it wasn’t for the Palestinian people there would be no King David, no Solomon nor Jesus, and no Baha’u’llah and no ‘Abdu’l-Baha because Saul would have killed David. Thus David was sheltered in the Palestinian cities and loved and welcomed by the Palestinian peoples. He is one of us! Preserving the Palestinian peoples, their cities, their indigenous cultures, their ancient ruins, and respecting their modern beliefs as Christians, Druze, Muslims, what have you–as governing their own affairs as an independent state–means preserving the Judaism of King David (he is of the tribe of Judah which is where the word Jew comes from), preserving the indigenous history of Jesus, the truth of the love of the prophet Muhammad, the glory of the Fatimid Caliphs, the purity of Saladin, and the history of the Knights Templar and Crusader Christians and Muslims working together for a common goal. They are all one of us!


In the Koran of Muhammad–Muhammad is the seal of the prophets. This means no one can appear after Muhammad to change what is sealed by God through Muhammad in the Holy Koran.

In the Holy Koran Muhammad seals the fact that God has appointed the throne and line of King David through Solomon as the International Executive and Universal Caliphate for all of Islam. Muhammad seals this Jewish throne-line as the successorship of God in the Covenant of the Koran. No one can change this or usurp this position, as this is the seal of the prophets through Muhammad. No prophet will ever come after Muhammad to change this, as he is the seal of the nabi. But Muhammad is not the seal of the Caliphate! The caliphate of the throne of King David is alive in the world today through the exilarchs–the exiled monarchs of King David–that have preserved the throne-line and lineage of David all down throughout history to Baha’u’llah and ‘Abdu’l-Baha seated upon David’s throne.


Had the Shi’i realized that Baha’u’llah and ‘Abdu’l-Baha, during their lifetimes, were seated upon the throne of King David (as did Omar and Ali, the second and fourth Caliphs, recognize the living Davidic King exilarch Bostanai in their day) Persia would be the world leader now instead of America. But the throne of David came into exile here in America. And no matter how inept, foolish or adept American policy may or may not be it is UNDER THE PROTECTION OF GOD. Had the Israelis protected ‘Abdu’l-Baha’s son (an aghsan) Mason Remey from the “Hands”–instead of exiling him from the Holy Land–Israel would be the world leader, instead of the world loser it is today. When Israel under King Saul rejected King David (and exiled him) it was Palestine that took him in, and became the world leader in that time. Whatever people recognizes and protects the throne of King David and the basic human rights of the living one seated upon that throne in that day and age will be exalted, and its nation preserved and its peoples protected both materially and spiritually. Should they violate basic human rights, become an arrogant abomination of worthless consumption, or be hijacked by corrupt leadership God Himself shall depose them–through unforeseen world events–and those who oppose this mighty Covenant of God will be dispersed and degraded–like the Ottoman and Persian Empires that are no more who failed to recognize Baha’u’llah and ‘Abdu’l-Baha in their own lifetimes. Like that of Rome which opposed Christ and is gone. Like that of Hitler who sought to kill off all the Jewish people including the heir to the throne of David by exterminating an entire peoples–and now that empire is nothing.

But these worldly affairs mean nothing in the sight of those whose hearts are pure, whose minds are elevated upon the love of God, and whose souls are set free.


All spiritually oriented (not of the materialists) Muslims must universally cease and desist this wrongful fighting against the People of the Book who are especially the Christians and Jews by ORDER of the true Universal Caliphate of King David alive in the world today sealed by the seal of the prophet in the Holy Koran. Those who do not are in infidelity with this decree and therefore are spiritually dead, as Muhammad has said in the Koran–the infidels deserve death–meaning they are spiritually dead–as Jesus said let the dead bury the dead–and that in this spiritual death Muhammad said they deserve it that is, they have their own reward. Infidels are only those who are first Muslim and then lose their fidelity–but if they become faithful again this condition of spiritual death (cut off from their rays of the Holy Spirit) that Muhammad says they deserve ceases; and they then have spiritual life through the acceptance of the Covenant of the Universal Caliphate of Allah–the throne-line of King David–that is a Jew–of Judah and King David and King Solomon, and the Persian Jews of Baha’u’llah and ‘Abdu’l-Baha, etc. The People of the Book are never “infidels” because they are never Muslims in the first place and therefore they are not required to submit to the Koran (and therefore are exempt by Allah in not following it) because they are already of the Covenants with Allah (God) of the People of the other Books of God such as the Bible and the Tanak and Gospel, etc. Get it straight people.

The Christians–the dead in Christ–who are spiritually dead and prophesied to rise first must lay down their weapons and immediately cease and desist invading the Islamic foreign lands. Jesus judges otherwise against them: “Then they asked him, ‘What must we do to do the works God requires?’ Jesus answered, ‘The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent’” (John 6:28-29, NIV). Muslims and Christians must respect the rights of the nation of Israel of the Jewish people. Jews must cease and desist the infighting and allow a better formation of the Palestinian independent state as the current Baha’i Guardian, Saddam Hussein, Yitzhak Rabin, and Yasser Arafat were working toward before the nefarious materialists assassinated the current Baha’i Guardian’s friend Rabin on the exact day and anniversary of the killing of the Guardian Shoghi Effendi on November 4th and later poisoned Yasser and hanged Saddam after he had already disarmed as part of the agreement.

Their deaths prove that a spiritual unity of true Jewish, Christian, Islamic and Baha’i leadership is not enough! It needs to be re-enforced by a good healthy number of the people of these diverse faiths and groups (such as the diversity of the civil rights movement in the US under Dr. King with the support of Malcolm X and others) that must awaken out of the consensus trance and stop following blindly false leadership. This is the meaning of ‘Abdu’l-Baha’s statement united we–we the people of spirituality and world faiths–stand, divided we fall:

“The materialists have availed themselves of this dissension amongst the religions and are constantly attacking them, intending to uproot the tree of divine planting. Owing to strife and contention among themselves, the religions are being weakened and vanquished. If a commander is at variance with his army in the execution of military tactics, there is no doubt he will be defeated by the enemy.” (‘Abdu’l-Baha)

The 12 Founding Principles Of God’s Kingdom On Earth As In Heaven

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