Baha’i Sabbath, Month of Mercy, American Independence Day: 179 B.E./2022 A.D.


From Dr. Neal Chase PhD-Aghsan Guardian of the Baha’i Faith:

Read the entire text of The Kellogg–Briand Pact or Pact of Paris – for yourself – officially:

The General Treaty for Renunciation of War as an Instrument of National Policy!

This Treaty and its 3 articles is the Charter granting the legal authority of all the people of the world to democratically elect the International Supreme Court (ISC: The Supreme Tribual) that shall bring peace to the world–that is the Universal Justice Court that has the mandate from the Covenant of 1928 to uphold the Law–the renunciation of war–via the settlement of disputes through peaceful and nonviolent means.

The matter of self defense, national security, and the Universal Collective Security Agreement between the nations will give the ISC teeth to enforce the rule of law, where force is the servant of justice; for peace on earth without justice is tyranny!

Elect the Supreme Tribunal (ISC)!
Uphold The General Treaty for Renunciation of War as an Instrument of National Policy!
(1928 International Justice Covenant of Peace)!

Kellogg-Briand Paris Peace Pact Aug. 28, 1928
Signed by US July 24. 1929.
All national signatories deposited in Washington DC. Includes Russia, Ukraine, US, England, France, Iran (Persia), China, Japan, etc…

Come on folks! Let’s read the TEXT and the 3 Articles and elect the Tribunal of the Supreme Court of the World Federation of United Human Beings of Planet Earth and end recourse to war once and for all time.

The Greatest Generation of the 20th Century banned war and made it illegal in 1928 and made it actionable in 1929.

Now, the Greatest Generation of the 21st Century shall implement it by democratically electing the Supreme Institution of Humanity, and moving out from the merely appointed stage of the UN to the elected phase of the Supreme Tribunal that shall eliminate the need for war and shall bring peace through justice to all the world. The real people’s Court.

It’s imperative for the survival of human civilization that everyone–EVERYONE– become educated to the Justice Law of 1928 and how it empowers all the people of the world to act as one soul in one body to eliminate and end war once and for all time.

From Kindergarten to Grad school the significance and importance of this 1928 Treaty advocating for nonviolence at every level of human society needs to be universally taught and upheld. This education to the foundation of true human civilization as set forth in the world Agreement of 1928 being taught at every level, and practiced as the core value of International policy, as M. Albright and others have set forth, will ultimately turn the tide on all violence everywhere as anathema, and school shootings will end, and violent insurrection will end, as the nations themselves abandon “trial by combat” for the rule of law of trial by jury at the highest level of human society in the International Supreme Court (ISC) of the Supreme Tribunal of a United World Federation of Peoples and Nation States.

Elect the Supreme Tribunal (ISC)!
Uphold The General Treaty for Renunciation of War as an Instrument of National Policy!
(1928 International Justice Covenant of Peace)!

This CHARTER of 1928 empowers the human rights activists, the humanitarian reformers of the anti-war world peace program, the global green earth caretaker water-protectors for a self sustainable organic agricultural planetary ecology, the Healthcare providers of the world who work within and beyond borders, and the social justice peoples of all types and persuations to ELECT and RE- Elect the representative members of the Supreme Tribunal of the ISC every five years or so to solve all difficult problems for the purpose of maintaining the prevention of war through peaceful means of justice and liberty for all in the ever changing circumstances of each day and age.

Elect the Supreme Tribunal (ISC)!
Uphold The General Treaty for Renunciation of War as an Instrument of National Policy!
(1928 International Justice Covenant of Peace)!

It’s the Charter that gives all human beings the power to act for the firm foundation and the firm establishment of a truly humane human civilization: a new golden era of human civilization in which war is unheard of, justice is the core value, peace and the golden rule are the conduct and the global norm, that is, a civilization truly worthy of the word civilized, meaning the manifestation and appearance of the inherent spiritual nobility hidden and concealed beneath the merely animalistic instincts of man.

Elect the Supreme Tribunal!
Educate all humanity to the truth and real significance of the 1928 International Charter for the Court of World Justice and World Peace (Mihr Mihr)!


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