Baha’i Sabbath: Mulk 18, 179 B.E. (2/24/2023)


It turns out that the 1928 General Treaty to Renounce War (#2137) is the “everlasting Covenant of peace” (Ez. 37:26) spoken all throughout the Hebrew Bible, the Koran, and the sacred prophecies of all traditions, faiths and indigenous peoples.

It turns out, seen with an eye of insight, that #2137 that makes war illegal between the 72 signatory nation states, provides the rock-solid foundation for the peoples charter (article 2) “pacific means” to democratically elect the SupremeTribunal to end war, the “house” beth-el, where all nations shall flow (meaning to gather and democratically elect) and “learn war no more” (Is. 2).

It turns out that by the criteria of prophecy fulfilled (an ancient, valid and firmly tested epistemology in its own right) the “Kingdom of God” eagerly awaited by Jews, Christians and Muslims (and by all traditions) is already established upon the earth as it is in heaven as of August 27, 1928!

It turns out if we see that this is the FACT with our own eyes, and all the people see that the everlasting Covenant of Friendship was legislated as international law for all nations and peoples in 1928…then it turns out we can all come together NOW at the time of the Great Crisis of this promised ONE HOUR to Activate Article II correctly and live in Universal Peace on Earth and justice for all peoples, the “Kingdom of God” on earth, experiencing the Oneness of Humanity in all our daily affairs, relationships and community interactions…

It turns out that God has already answered all the peoples prayers for world peace and for material and spiritual salvation of all human beings, in 1928.

It turns out that we today are, one and all and equally so, the heirs of this noble and peerless heritage: that for the first time in the history of the human race, war is now illegal!

So it turns out now, it’s up to us to be Firm in the Covenant #2137…

If the people are functional (spiritual) any system will work, but if they’re not spiritual then no system will work…

It turns out God did God’s part, and here it is, the “Kingdom of God” meaning the everlasting society of justice and peace, established on earth as it is in heaven legally as of 1928…

So it turns out now, if we want to have this life for us all on earth without war, then as God has done God’s part, it’s now up to us all to non-violently do our part, in personal practice and for public policy…

Let go of WAR, embrace the love and hope that Universal Peace and the Oneness of Humanity, justice for all, shall prevail…

Vote YES on #2137
Let’s democratically elect the SupremeTribunal whose sole purpose is to end war and prevent national military aggressions…

Peace on Earth is HERE NOW if we want it…uphold the Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact and Activate Article II, so the threat of war will actually be removed, the total war economy shut down and so we can all return to our lives and daily occupations…
How selfish is that!?

Wishing life and life abundantly for All! Regardless of race, sex, gender, creed, and color?




“Elect the Supreme Tribunal! Uphold the 1928 Covenant of International Peace! (Kellogg-Briand Paris Peace Pact)” #2137
Official Website of the Universal House of Justice

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