How will The General Treaty to Renounce War (#2137 Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact) ultimately triumph? Through those who oppose the Cause of Universal Peace:
“Bahá’u’lláh [the Author of the Covenant to Abolish War], speaking of these very ones who were attacking and decrying Him [opposed to democratically electing the SupremeTribunal to end war and establish permanent peace on the foundation of real justice], said:
“They are My heralds; they are the ones who are proclaiming My message and spreading My Word. Pray that they may be multiplied, pray that their number may increase and that they may cry out more loudly. The more they abuse Me by their words and the greater their agitation, the more potent and mighty will be the efficacy of the Cause of God [the Cause of Justice for Universal Peace], the more luminous the light of the Word [war is illegal] and the greater the radiance of the divine Sun [our new civilization of “pacific means”]. And eventually the gloomy darkness of the outer world [materialism and war over it] will disappear, and the light of reality [a high-tech verdant green educational-agricultural society] will shine until the whole earth will be effulgent [cooperating to thrive] with its glory [real love actualized in the Oneness of Humanity.]”
“The solving of these international problems depends upon the increase of the NUMBER of the lovers of Peace, thus those who are devoted to the greater friendship of nations may add to their power the public opinion which revolves around the Peace of the world. Then, through the powerful demonstration of the people of peace and reconciliation all the nations will be FORCED to accept the doctrine of peace.
“LOVE is illumination. LOVE is the cause of Life.”
“In this age, therefore, Universal Peace is like unto the Sun [#2137], which bestoweth life upon all things, and it is thus incumbent upon all to endeavour in the path of this mighty Cause…we [and our current legal representatives operating in the world in the current moment] have in no wise relented, but have continued to endeavour unto this very moment and are increasing our efforts as day followeth day, because OUR desire for peace is not derived merely from the intellect:
“It is a matter of [personal Spirituality and] religious belief and one of the Eternal Foundations of the Faith of God.
“That is why we strive with all our might and, forsaking our own advantage, rest, and comfort, forgo the pursuit of our own affairs; devote ourselves to the mighty Cause of peace [what we call the Cause of God]; and consider it [the Covenant to Abolish war #2137] to be the very foundation of the Divine religions, a service to His Kingdom, the source of eternal life, and the greatest means of admittance into the heavenly realm.”
— ‘Abdu’l-Baha
All of us have a vote of one…
VOTE YES! For the US, Russia, UK and France to confirm their three delegates (male & female) to democratically elect the International Council to End War.
“Another teaching is that there shall be perfect equality between men and women. Why should man create a distinction which God does not recognize? In the kingdoms below man sex exists, but the distinction between male and female is neither repressive nor restrictive. The mare, for instance, is as strong and often more speedy than the horse. Throughout the animal and vegetable kingdoms there is perfect equality between the sexes. In the kingdom of mankind this equality must likewise exist, and the one whose heart is purest, whose life and character are highest and nearest to the divine standard is most worthy and excellent in the sight of God. This is the only true and real distinction, be that one man or woman.”– ‘Abdu’l-Baha.
War, it’s what not to do…time to get our heads into the practical solutions of Art. 2, “pacific means”…