Baha’i Month: Sharaf/Honor 1, 180 B.E. (12/31/2023)



Connections, The Ascent of Man, The Lathe in Heaven, Monty Python, Wall Street Week, etc., etc., …PBS was very educational in those days…not only in fact content, but in the civilized character and depth of intelligence blended with a deep caring concern for all humanity comes across thru the people in the community of broadcasting in those days…this same deeper more warm concern for humanity also comes across thru the recordings made by those on all the other networks as well at that same time…we see this on town hall discussion shows, the characters and personalities on game shows, and in the political discourse upon national and world affairs at that time…
Today it’s good to see a return of science based spirituality in educational programs such as this Connections….
What these tales of truth and terror reveal to us, is how we as humans function together as a group to make things happen…each material development is material proof of a spiritual development that happens first: namely accepting the ideas and work of someone else…and sharing! And cooperating like in a gang of musicians…eg, our coworkers in the Oneness of Humanity work, our humanitarian pursuits arts and livelihood that brings purpose, joy, meaning and mission to our lives…
Today, almost 70 years from Sputnik! We now know that international war is illegal. We also know how to activate Art. 2 correctly “pacific means”…this involves preserving the Autonomy of all members, and their personal freedoms and all human rights and rights for self defence,…not conscription of people into some sort of homogenized “new world order”… AND this difference between Autonomy and Conscription; Freedom and Slavery; Joy and Pain; Ruling and being ruled; is the root cause for war and peace on earth– because self-governance, personal freedom, and Autonomy = justice that = peace…and this very difference and distinction is depicted graphically and prophetically in the Iconography of the Book of Revelation of St. John, the divine…
In that vision, as he lay in prison on the island of Patmos, pining away in his prison cell, in 96 AD, the last one of them all left alive on earth, he received his Apocalyptic Vision: and wrote it down as: The Book of Revelation of Jesus Christ.
In other words, the gospels are not the Revelation of Jesus. No. They are just the good news (gospel means good news) of his appearance, the fact that he was prophesied, and a collection of teachings for personal growth and practice, the enhancements of the 10 commandments of Moses in Alignment with the 9 Beatitudes and Lord’s Prayer, the completion of the New Love Commanment in Jn. 1334, and his other teachings, miracles, healings, wonders, and one single “sign”, but none of it is his Revelation. The rest of the other 27 letters of the New Testament are the letters of others elaborating on things, and records of their Acts…
Only Book #27 of the received nt text is accounted as the Actual Revelation of Jesus! No other book, text, manuscript, teaching, catechism, doctrine, dogma, creed, parishioner, pauper, prince or priest can make make this claim! Yet it is the most ignored book in the entire Bible. Ministers almost never give a sermon on it…and that’s because it’s also the most misunderstood book in the Bible as well. And that’s because it states that the “Testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy”… and “prophecy” is the very least understood of all the scientific gifts of God…
Nevertheless the gist of the entire book is this: a ” beast ” (see chapter 13) formed into some sort of frankeinsteinean animal-parts conglomerate or genetic altered Dr. Moreau-type monster, is thrown “alive” into a stomach-like “lake of fire” with other “ingredients” ( that all go to “perdition” ultimate deconstruction) and out of the “FIRE” emerges 4 Living Creatures, whole, and automous, cooperating together, yet completely intact in their own individual and distinct identities and functions…John sees these in chps 4 and 5, with six wings each, meaning seraphim, Ezekiel chp. 1, etc, sees them with two sets or four wings, thus earlier in their development to national independence and international cooperation not conscription…
Now an entire book could be written upon this one theme, and maybe it should be, but not by me…
Clearly both the Revelation of Jesus and Jesus himself are in favor of Autonomy and world spiritual democracy…ei, the UN conglomerate “beast” (animal hybrid) security council that toxicly chains the eagle, bear, lion, and leopard: us, Russia, UK, fr, in mutual assured destruction (mad) and pd59 first strike posture is death to the Big 4 Christian nuclear super power nation states: while freedom via the fires of Love of the federated, Autonomy preserving Kellogg-Briand Paris Peace Pact of King David is life and life Abundantly and freedom for all Four, and thus real freedom, justice and peace for all…
Consider the deeper meaning of Humanity and the Oneness of All humanity as embodied in these social justice and spiritual teachings contained in the transcendental iconography in the Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ and that of the unified vision of his forerunners in the Nebuiim …


The Three Articles of the League of Nations Covenant #2137 Outlawing War. It is Long Overdue that we Call on All Signatory Nations to Come Together and Elect the Committee To End War to Activate This Binding Covenant of Peace and Friendship, the Covenant of Lasting Peace.

The Twelve Basic Principles of the Baha’i Faith

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