Baha’i Date: Sharaf/Honor 9, 180 B.E. (1/8/2024)-3 Kings Festival: 1/6-1/9-2024-3 of 8


James Tanton’s “spacial approach” to the ancient science of the wisdom of ma’at (math) and of the personal practices of the mathematicoi: is a wonderful and enjoyable journey for both new-comers and old friends to the abstract worlds of intangible forms and their topological appearances; manifold.
Montessori (who consulted with Abdu’l-Baha upon education) also provided for an environment that supports the development of what Bucky Fuller called “geometric thinking” in pragmatic application by using wood blocks to dramatically demonstrate the form and function (spatially/that relates to music) of the Operation and Function of Quadratic equations. This tangible block method, in its fully developed demonstration was called “the three kings”. The lessons of the three kings (spatially mind-expanding exercise) is the same type of approach Tanton brings to the entire field in general. One of the most enriching mathematical experiences of my lifetime; and surprisingly, contextually validating my own approaches to the alleviation of math anxiety in clients in private practice. Tanton’s course is a true gift! A gift of “the fourth magi” (see the film) and Tanton’s personal demonstration is Stellar! And his character and approach, gold…
Today, I had a personal epiphany. Maybe others already know this, but for me it was also a personal epiphany… while musing about 22 and 7…
I realized that 7 “goes in” to 22, three (3) full times (as 21) with 1 remaining or “left over”.
So that’s 3, 1r…
Then let 7 go into 10, (1 time) with 3 left over, that’s 30 four more times) with 2 left over…
Keeping track of times that’s 3 times (the first time); 1 time (the second time); 4 times on the third turn…and with 2 left over (twice) with r. 6, that’s (8 more times) , etc….
To write out all the times in a time sequence of times (where each time signature is represented by a unit position on the decimal continuum) we arrive at:
3.1428…which is the correct decimal notation sequence for 22/7 that appears on your calculator screen…
Now I was doing this in my imagination (spatially as Tanton teaches that faculty to develop) to compare that to Pi, 3.1415926…as its well known to the ancients that 22/7 works for pi…
Seeing the decimal expansion come out correctly from the pov I was thinking from surprised me! Then all of a sudden I realized what all that “jargon” and “math kottas” and notation about ” long division practices” were really all about that had clouded my thinking on this point…and the fog there went away…
I like the “elegance” and profound meaning of transcendental numbers like pi, that can be expressed in whole/natural numbers as is phi, and like the simplicity of Euler’s Formula, etc…
3.14286 minus 3.14159 is 0.00126 that is a 22.6 ten-thoudandths of and an inch, and therefore works in fact accurate est., as 22/7 doesn’t underestimate anything.
Consider phi. 1.618, that is 1 plus root5 all divided over 2…
6/5 * Phi^2 = 3.14158 relating phi to pi…
22/7 = 6/5 * Phi^2
5/6 * 22/7 = (1 + r5)(1 + r5)/(2*2)
Fun with whole natural numbers, whose interactions coincide precisely “above” some lower decimal time signature from whence they apparently diverge into the infinitesimal…thus for pragmatic purposes an infinitesimal difference in the non-essentials is of no concern,…deviate a hair’s breadth from tuning in your radio: you get static…
From the static to the dynamic!
I’m grateful for educators like Ramajun and Tanton for their Modes and Open Spatial approaches and applications that are as a real door to the abstract, the beautiful and the divine.
A gift worth giving along with the Great Pyramid in the Stars…
“and they said they had followed a STAR [Anitak & co.] they had seen in the Eastern sky…”
That was 2000 years ago, when the same Alignment of Orion was seen then as it is this Christmas today, then Sun in the Age of Pisces now, Sun in Aquarius. The other difference from then and now, Pisces to Aquarius, fish to man, Johnah to whale, dove to leviathan, war to peace: at Christmas then (og-christmas), as opposed to today, is that 2000 years ago, there was no pole star: “Greek navigator Pytheas in ca. 320 BC described the celestial pole as deVOID of stars…”
Today, according to the Mayan Calendar and the Prophecies of the Great Pyramid of Giza, for the appearanc of the Great Pyramid Star itself, at the precise time Polaris, a pole star is in exact position, Anitak, rises due East, as the Visible Celestial Capstone, housing the star maps of the pyramid prophecy of its own inner passageway system, written in clear sight for all to see, situated VISUALLY upon the flat top of the Great Pyramid of Giza itself, if your standing west of the pyramid looking east on Christmas Day…
Now this “Bethlehem Star Vision” of the Great Pyramid of Giza Christmas hasn’t been seen since the first Magi (and thus these stars were called, the “three kings” after them) showed up in Jerusalem, with an army of elephants, horses, camels, a full retinue of ambassadors and people of the East! Why? Prophecy!
And, the “testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy”…Rev19…
Neariah, the Resh Galutha, Exilarch of Nehardea, Av bet din, and his son, el-Lionai, from Persian Babylonia, and the Parthian Court that was intermarried with the royal family of King David at that time sent gifts and tributes, because Jesus was foretold in his Jewish sacred script. Having intermarried with the family of Zoroaster thru Cyrus the great, the Zoroastrian parts of the family told their friends and family too, as Zoroaster (himself a descendant of Moses via the intermarriage with the family of Jethro the Midianite (Hadrat Spitamo) prophesied Jesus to his people as the First “Sayoshyant” to his people called the Magi. The Persians, according to Tabari, Amuli, and Isfandiyar, are namesake after their ancestor Parez, the son of Judah: “According to Ethiopian tradition, Perez became a king of Persia…” and thus the sect of Pharisees, accepted the books of the Hebrew Prophets revealed in Persia, where the Sadducees did not. This is why in the book of Mathew it states MAGI (plural) arrived, for the Exilarchs of David and the Zoroastrians were the same royal family of the same holy household. In ancient copies of the gospel of Mathew preserved in Syriac, in the East, it not only states MAGI but also includes the prophet Zoroaster by name…
The Parthian Government at that time was in economic relations with India and China as had that by Cyrus the great, that the Hebrew prophet Is. Calls “messiah” ” the anointed one” of God: and as the good news! Of the word of immanent birth of the long awaited long prophesied Sayoshyant of Zoroaster spread like a torrential wild fire through the East, the message spread in Different Languages (due to Babel) into different cultures, according to the different prophecies in all the languages of the east: the Maitreya of Buddha is to be born! The promised Ganesha of Krishna has arrived! And the Magi appeared, on howdahs upon elephants, and “white elephant ” is a Christmas game…
“While scholars differ about his origins, dating him between 1st century BCE and 2nd century CE, Ganesha was well established by the 4th and 5th centuries CE, during the Gupta period … ”
That is precisely just prior to, during, and exactly AFTER the Magi arrived and the birth of baby Jesus!!!
” Unlike those of some deities, representations of Ganesha show wide variations and distinct patterns changing over time. He may be portrayed standing, dancing, heroically taking action against demons, playing with his family as a boy, sitting down on an elevated seat, or engaging in a range of contemporary situations.
“Ganesha images were prevalent in many parts of India by the 6th century CE. The 13th-century statue pictured is typical of Ganesha statuary from 900 to 1200, after Ganesha had been well-established as an independent deity [Jesus] with his own sect.”
As to the name: gana & Isha! “Isha” is the very name Jesus!
In Greek je-sus, is literally “I god” “jer zeus” in Arabic Isa, Aramaic Ishu,…etc…Isha means Lord or Master. Gana, means “categorical system” and refers to the Revelation of Jesus Christ. Gana also means group or great multitude, and refers to the body of believers in Isha (Jesus/Ishu) whose hearts minds and souls embody and embrace his sacred Revelation for the Covenant of Universal Peace for the Oneness of All Humanity.
“The term ‘gana ‘more generally means a category, class, community, association, or corporation. Some commentators interpret the name “Lord of the Gaṇas” to mean “Lord of Hosts” or “Lord of created categories”, such as the elements…”
And thus even the Author of the Peace Pact arrived in the land of mystery riding upon a howdah! A howdah, that prepared the way for the arrival of the “Kings from the East!”…(Rev. 16:12, magi, from Persia, where David’s throne was preserved for 2300 years, before relocating to the United States in 1921…,
Happy 3-Kings day! On all levels!
Jan 6 thru 9
Merry Inter-Faith Christmas to all!
LNC 2137✨️

Geometry: An Interactive Journey to Mastery



The Three Articles of the League of Nations Covenant #2137 Outlawing War. It is Long Overdue that we Call on All Signatory Nations to Come Together and Elect the Committee To End War to Activate This Binding Covenant of Peace and Friendship, the Covenant of Lasting Peace.

The Twelve Basic Principles of the Baha’i Faith


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