The Great Pyramid Constellation as the Appearance of Shiva dancing in the sky, stepping upon “ignorance ” even as Michael and the dragon fought in the Book of Revelation…
When Vishnu Awakes, Shiva appears! Today this three kings day, Shiva has appeared in the sky as the symbolic embodiment of the Great Pyramid Prophecy for CHOICE! Kellogg-Briand Prophesied Peace Pact Covenant of King David [check box a] or “Plan B” “I have become death, the [thermonuclear] destroyer of the world’s” the Oppenheimer Option [check box B]…you know the one…the unopened box with shroedingers groundhog inside–alive or dead. Both or neither, until we open it…and then either early “Arab Spring!” Kellogg-Briand Paris Peace Pact in the middle-East or a sticks and stones Einsteinean thermonuclear WINTER of madmaxish dehumanizing consumerism…
VOTE NO! On Proposal Plan B!
VOTE YES! For “Pacific Means”!
VOTE NO! On the Oppenheimer Option!
VOTE YES! For the justice of the Oneness of Humanity!
VOTE YES! For Universal Peace!
VOTE YES! For the Kellogg-Briand Paris Peace Pact!
It’s not the only option on the Table! It’s the Table of Justice, truth, compassion and Love Itself! That supports ALL options of “pacific means ” — a pure Table of show-bread– where 12 loaves of bread are turned into 12 precious “stones,” that are 12 Precious foundation stones, symbolized by 12 precious STARS that form the Great Pyramid Passageway Constellation ” Crown of 12 stars” upon “her head” meaning the Celestial Capstone is now seen in its place, this Christmas and 3 Kings days Jan 6-9…24…
And if Satan himself asked us to change these 12 Stones into bread, we say no! Because “man cannot live by bread alone” but by every word [logos/covenant/ stone] uttered by the mouth of God “…and “the rock was Christ “! Meaning the Rock of Ages, the firm foundation, the bedrock–rock bottom, has appeared: Peace on earth in an astounding Prophesied interstellar God given Universal Plan…1928 Outlaws War! 2028 Abolishes It!
LNC 2137✨️
Orion Pyramid Inner-Chambers Star Mystery over 32,000 years old
The Three Articles of the League of Nations Covenant #2137 Outlawing War. It is Long Overdue that we Call on All Signatory Nations to Come Together and Elect the Committee To End War to Activate This Binding Covenant of Peace and Friendship, the Covenant of Lasting Peace.
The Twelve Basic Principles of the Baha’i Faith