Here we see the 12 Major stars of “Orion” precisely indicating the major structural features of the Great Pyramid inner passageway system.
Alnitak–the Great Pyramid Star–occupies the position of the Ark of the Covenant exact placement in both the Star pyramid temple in heaven and the stone temple pyramid on earth.
This calls for a matter of deeper investigation! Those of the Ancient antediluvian civilization that constructed the Great Pyramid, did so as a type of prophetic timecapsule of knowledge written in the language of science and mathematics…
The central message as depicted in the stars–Alnitak–and the so-called “Kings Chamber” is the Symbol of the Black-Chocolate Granite Coffer stone, that Represents the Ark of the Covenant.
According to scholars, who have mapped out, the entire inner passageway as a chronological time scale, the Ark dates are from 1844 AD to 2001 AD, and in 1928, we in fact do find, that the “everlasting Covenant of peace”(Ez. 37)–the Covenant of both the Bible, and the Bible in Stone–has already been legislated as International Law as of Aug. 27, 1928, exactly 2520 years from Ezekiel’s first Vision in the summer of 593 bc to the exact day (593 bc + 2520 years =1928, there’s no zero year).
The appearance of the Pyramid in the Stars, for the first time, now, fulfills prophecy, for the bringing forth of the Capstone [third eye opened] for all people to SEE, the Covenant, in this Celestial Ark (in a place in heaven where baby stars are born…) is NOW upon the earth as the promised Kellogg-Briand Paris Peace Pact of King David…
The volume of the pyramid Capstone is 2520 cubic cubits, represting the number of years from both 593bc to 1928, when war was outlawed and the Covenant was established; and the 2520 years from the laying of the foundation stone (see Haggai) in 520 BC to when the Golden Age opened with the collapse of the trade towers in September 2001 and the hoisting aloft the divine standard of the Oneness of Humanity in the form of the Tree of LIFE: Genealogy Of Religious Teachers…
Now today, the celestial Capstone comes forth, in the name of the Paris Peace Pact, the “Covenant of Love” (Deut, 7:9, 9:7 NIV) for Universal Peace, promised by God to heal all the ills of humankind…
Rev. 12:1″And there appeared a Great Wonder [the great pyramid inner passageway system of the “7 wonders” of the ancient world…] appeared in the sky; a woman [Covenant of Everlasting Peace] and upon her head [capstone] a crown of twelve stars [Rigel, Betelguese, Bellatrix, Saiph, Pi3 Ori & Alnitak, Alnilam, Mintaka, Sigma Ori & stars Theta Ori, Iota Ori, and 42 Ori…]. Smaller stars fill in the rest of the passageways, angles, and other features in uncanny detail…
“…Then he will bring out the Capstone to shouts of ‘God bless it! God bless it!’” (Zech. 4-7 NIV)
The Capstone for human civilization on earth is Universal Peace for the Oneness of Humanity. This is happening now! It’s prophesied in the Bible. It’s prophesied in the Quran. It’s prophesied in the Book of Revelation. It’s prophesied in the Great Pyramid prophecy. It’s prophesied in the very stars in the sky! Peace on earth is HERE NOW if you want it! Kellogg-Briand Paris Peace Pact 1928!
Abolition of War, 2028!
LNC 2137✨️
The Three Articles of the League of Nations Covenant #2137 Outlawing War. It is Long Overdue that we Call on All Signatory Nations to Come Together and Elect the Committee To End War to Activate This Binding Covenant of Peace and Friendship, the Covenant of Lasting Peace.
The Twelve Basic Principles of the Baha’i Faith