Archive for January, 2008

Television and Education in the Kingdom Pt. 2

Saturday, January 19th, 2008

As the Establisher of the Baha’i Faith taught, there is far more to proclaiming and teaching the message of the Baha’i Faith that continues to occur long after one has been through the Firesides twice. Once that has been accomplished there are deepenings and personal and community research beyond measure which would certainly be greatly enhanced by the audio visual medium and this is well established by much practical experience by many teachers in the Cause to date.

As the number of educated young adults increases there will be a corresponding increase in the number of educated children raised under the Provisions of the Covenant in Baha’i households. Parents will eventually become the primary educators of their own children after as well as before the age of responsibility assisted by the supportive Baha’i community under the Provisions of the Covenant.

Soon the Firesides as taught by The Establisher of the Baha’i Faith will become the foundation of the public education curriculum as they include all the major disciplines from art to literature to history, science, math, linguistics and much more. Audio visual education tools will be used far more effectively in the Kingdom than they are today to increase learning in all these schools of thought from the Baha’i perspective. This is not to say that they won’t remain supplementary as that would naturally be more effective than to rely heavily upon them as an educational mainstay.

Television and Education in the Kingdom

Wednesday, January 16th, 2008
Dr Jensen, the Establisher of the Baha'i Faith stated 
that television and the internet were created for the 
purpose of proclaiming the Baha'i Revelation to the entire planet. 
Since there is no end to that we
could have truly awe inspiring broadcasts going
around the world and out into space for  the duration
of the Baha'i dispensation. There are however many individuals 
who see these two mediums as inherently 
worthless or even downright evil. I think what is too 
commonly done today is to see
the tools of modern technology as being evil in and
of themselves. Rather what should be done is, as the
prophecy states, beat the swords into plowshares by
simply transforming our values to the point where we
will not use these same tools for making war. If you
were to chop the sword up into shards of metal you
wouldn't have anything to plow the field with. It's
a process of heating, hammering, bending and cooling
the sword which transforms it into a useful tool of
agriculture, not simply destroying or discarding the
sword. This is what the Baha'i writings tell us is
the process of transforming satanic strength into
heavenly power and that does not imply destruction.
So to advocate the destruction of the wondrous tools
which the Revelation of  Baha'u'llah has directly
inspired the human mind to invent for a heavenly
purpose during these first two centuries of it's
dispensation would be irresponsible. Through
education in the
Baha'i Revelation, we will elevate our spiritual
development so it keeps pace with our technical
ingenuity and all invention will be utilized to
advance our spiritual civilization rather than to
destroy it. That's what will happen to the world
order of the beast as well. It will be transformed
into the world order of the Glory of God,
Baha'u'llah, with the transformation of the four
beast nations into the four living creatures. Like
the sword, this requires the application of fervent
heat (nuclear), hammering (meteor impact and
earthquake), bending (earth's shifting crust), and
the tempering or cooling process which would be the
spiritual change the  human race experiences as a
result of education before, during and after these
transformational catastrophes.