Archive for November, 2024

Holy Day: Day Of The Covenant-Qawl 4, 181 B.E. (11/26/2024)

Tuesday, November 26th, 2024


O ye whom God hath chosen from among those who are called!—know that “many are called but few are chosen”!—upon whom He caused the evident Light to descend; whom He guided into the right Path, and to whom He gave the Glad-tidings of the Great Success!

Ye must be sincere and faithful, ye must follow the ordinances which refer to the Covenant of God, who is the solid edifice.

O ye beloved of God, know that steadfastness and firmness in this new and wonderful Covenant is indeed the spirit that quickeneth the hearts which are overflowing with the love of the Glorious Lord; verily, it is the power which penetrates into the hearts of the people of the world! Your Lord hath assuredly promised His servants who are firm and steadfast to render them victorious at all times, to exalt their word, propagate their power, diffuse their lights, strengthen their hearts, elevate their banners, assist their hosts, brighten their stars, increase the abundance of the showers of mercy upon them, and enable the brave lions (teachers) to conquer.

Hasten, hasten, O ye firm believers! Hasten, hasten, O ye steadfast! Abandon the heedless, set aside every ignorant, take hold of the strong rope, be firm in this Great Cause, draw light from this Evident Light, be patient and be steadfast in this wise Religion! Ye shall see the hosts of inspiration descending successively from the Supreme World, the procession of attraction falling incessantly from the heights of heaven, the abundance of the Kingdom of El-Abha outpouring continually and the teachings of God penetrating with the utmost power, while the heedless are indeed in evident loss.

Abdu’l-Baha’, Tablets of, pp. 442-443


Today, the most important affair is firmness in The Covenant, because firmness in The Covenant wards off differences.

In former cycles no distinct Covenant was made in writing by the Supreme Pen; no distinct personage was appointed to be the Standard differentiating falsehood from truth, so that whatsoever he said was to stand as truth and that which he repudiated was to be known as falsehood. At most, His Holiness Jesus Christ gave only an intimation, a symbol, and that was but an indication of the solidity of Peter’s faith. When he mentioned his faith, His Holiness said, Thou art Peter”—which means rock—’and upon this rock will I build my church.’ This was a sanction of Peter’s faith; it was not indicative of his (Peter) being the expounder of the Book, but was a confirmation of Peter’s faith.

But in this Dispensation of the Blessed Beauty (BAHA’U’LLAH) among its distinctions is that He did not leave people in perplexity. He entered into a Covenant and Testament with the people. He appointed a CENTER OF THE COVENANT. He wrote with His own pen and revealed it in the Kitab-I-Akdas, the Book of Laws, and Kitab-I-Ah’d, the Book of the Covenant, appointing him (Abdul-Baha) the Expounder of the Book. You must ask him (Abdul-Baha) regarding the meanings of the texts of the verses. Whatsoever he says is correct. Outside of this, in numerous Tablets He (BAHA’U’LLAH) has explicitly recorded it, with clear, sufficient, valid and forceful statements. In the Tablet of THE BRANCH He explicitly states: Whatsoever THE BRANCH says is right, or correct; and every person must obey THE BRANCH with his life, with his heart, with his tongue. Without his will, not a word shall anyone utter. This is an explicit text of the Blessed Beauty. So there is no excuse left for anybody. No soul shall, of himself, speak anything: Whatsoever his (Abdul-Baha’s) tongue utters, whatsoever his pen records, that is correct; according to the explicit text of BAHA’U’LLAH in the Tablet of THE BRANCH.

Abdu’l-Baha, Star of The West, Vol. 3, No. 14, Pg. 9


So firm and mighty is this Covenant that from the beginning of time until the present day no religious Dispensation hath produced its like. It is indubitably clear that the pivot of the oneness of mankind is nothing else but the power of the Covenant. Know thou that the ‘Sure Handle’ mentioned from the foundation of the world in the Books, the Tablets and the Scriptures of old is naught else but the Covenant and the Testament. The lamp of the Covenant is the light of the world, and the words traced by the Pen of the Most High a limitless ocean. The Lord, the All-Glorified, hath, beneath the shade of the Tree of Anísá (Tree of Life), made a new Covenant and established a great Testament. Hath such a Covenant been established in any previous Dispensation, age, period or century? Hath such a Testament, set down by the Pen of the Most High, ever been witnessed? No, by God! The power of the Covenant is as the heat of the sun which quickeneth and promoteth the development of all created things on earth. The light of the Covenant, in like manner, is the educator of the minds, the spirits, the hearts and souls of men.

 Abdu’l-Baha’, cf: God Passes By, pg. 238-239

All praise and thanksgiving be unto the Blessed Beauty, for calling into action the armies of His Abhá Kingdom, and sending forth to us His never-interrupted aid, dependable as the rising stars. In every region of the earth hath He supported this single, lonely servant, at every moment hath He made known to me the signs and tokens of His love. He hath cast into a stupor all those who are clinging to their vain illusions, and made them infamous in the sight of high and low. He hath caused those who run after their fads and fancies to become objects of general reproach, and hath exposed the arrogant to public view; He hath made those of the friends who proved infirm of faith to serve as a warning to every beholder, and hath caused the leaders of those who waver to love but themselves and sink down in self-conceit. Meanwhile, by the power of His might, He hath made this broken-winged bird to rise up before all who dwell on earth. He hath shattered the serried ranks of the rebellious, and hath given the victory to the hosts of salvation, and breathed into the hearts of those who stand firm in the Covenant and Testament the breath of everlasting life.

Abdu’l-Baha, excerpted from Selections #195


Rest ye assured that if a soul arises in the utmost perseverance and raises the Call of the Kingdom and resolutely promulgates the Covenant—be he an insignificant ant—he shall be enabled to drive away the formidable elephant from the arena, and if he be a feeble moth he shall cut to pieces the plumage of the rapacious vulture.

Endeavor, therefore, that ye may scatter and disperse the army of doubt and of error with the power of the Holy Utterances. This is my will and this is my counsel. Do not quarrel with anybody, and shun every form of dispute. Utter the Word of God. If he accepts it the desired purpose is attained, and if he turns away leave him to himself and trust to God.

Such is the attribute of those who are firm in the Covenant.

Abdu’l-Baha’, Star Of The West, Vol. X pg. 265


Prayer Of The Covenant

My God! My God! I ask Thee to forgive everything save my servitude to Thy Supreme Threshold, and I declare myself innocent of any proclamation or praise, save my adoration for Thy Merciful Presence. I deprive myself of every adornment, save that of humiliation and contrition and evanescence before Thy Oneness. I flee from every station save that of arrival in the court of Thy Divine Eternity. By Thy Power, verily, the sweetness of servitude is the food of my spirit; with the fragrance of servitude my breast will be dilated, my being refreshed, my heart delighted, my eyes brightened, my nostrils perfumed, and in it is the healing of my disease, the allaying of my burning thirst, the soothing of my pain.

Immerse me, O my God, in this most bounteous, rolling Ocean; give me to drink of this sweet, abundant Water; cause me to enter this Gateway of Righteousness; ordain me for this praiseworthy Station; cause me to obtain this Cup which is overflowing with the living water; light in the crystal of my heart this Lamp which is giving forth its illuminating, brilliant radiance; and strengthen me for the service of Thy Cause, O my Lord, the Forgiver! Accept my servitude in the court of Thy Holy Oneness, O Thou, the Manifestor of Mount Sinai. Assist me to abide in its conditions, O Thou, the Authority of Manifestation. Aid me to assist Thy Cause in the eastern and western parts of the earth, O Thou the Possessor of the Day of Resurrection. I ask Thee, by Thy written Book, dispersed writings — by Thy Hidden Mystery, and Thy firm proclamations — to cause me to be steadfast in servitude to Thee, O my Lord, the Forgiver! Verily, Thou art the powerful over that which Thou wishest; and verily, Thou art the Merciful, the Compassionate.

The Three Articles of the League of Nations Covenant #2137 Outlawing War. We Call on All Signatory Nations to Come Together and Elect the Committee To Abolish War to Activate This Binding Covenant of Peace and Friendship, the Covenant of Lasting Peace!

The Twelve Basic Principles of the Baha’i Faith

Baha’i Sabbath: Qudrat 12, 181 B.E. (11/15/2024)

Saturday, November 16th, 2024

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It’s not feasible nor warranted to deport married spouses of US citizens; patriotic parents of children born in the USA; or patriotic workers currently in the United States who are peace-loving, tax-paying, and in support of working in the United States of America or currently enrolled in schools and in the country for purposes of higher education.
All people, regardless of national origins, ethnic background, or personal religious affiliation should be granted the legal path to status as full citizenship in the United States, issued legal green cards, legal work, and legal student visas, etc. Immigrants are historically more educated and more patriotic to a country to which they have emigrated. Citizenship tests and requirements to learn American Consitutional laws, become familiar with the bill of rights, and to be knowledgeable in American history set them–via adult education– above and beyond the loyalities to the country and nation intended for high school and public school teachings to engender amongst natural born citizenship.
Deporting 11 million people indiscriminately will hurt the strength of the nation, that holds the words of the Statue of Liberty as a bastion of hope for the Oneness of Humanity in the American democratic experiment for people to live, work and thrive within the borders of this nation in Universal Peace, and for safety, security, and salvation:
“Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”–Statue of Liberty
Building a “wall” is not the purpose of Creating a Legal and Golden Door! It’s not the wall that’s important, it’s the LEGAL DOOR that is OPEN, that the wall supports!
Indiscriminately deporting 11 million people, the majority of whom are loyal, trustworthy, and true is too expensive both in the costs of deportation and the loss of income, jobs, and support for the nation for which they contribute. Separating families, spouses from citizens to whom they are married, parents of children who are natural born citizens is inadmissible, and hurtful to the foundations of a just civilization that is based on the firmness and durability of the family unit.
It is my hope, that human beings, who are positive contributors to American culture, society, and economic strength will be recognized and safe-guarded from wrongful deportation, and granted the legal path for full American citizenship, dual citizenship, or legal visa and lawful work permits.
Other than the indigenous people of North America all others are children of immigrants or had been themselves immigrants at one time.
The best solutions to these issues is the support, well-wishing, and upliftment of ALL countries of origin to provide for their own people, strengthen agriculture and green industry, elimnate waste and pollution, and eliminate absolute poverty and war in those regions. This will elimnate the egregious “refugee” problem world-wide, at the root.
America is a nation of immigrants! The strength of of America is within its Diversity–a unity in diversity–diversity is the strength. Diversity is not the enemy of unity, conformity is! There is strength in diversity! And the indigenous peoples of North America should be held in the highest of esteem! They should be the most prosperous, successful, and happiest of all people living in the United States borders. Not only should all immigrants respect and honor and support the indigenous peoples of America, they should find a common core value of the Oneness of Humanity, respect for nature as the sacred, and support and honor all indigenous ways, ceremony and means, of being the first peoples of this nation!
The 21st century shall witness a reversal of 400 years of slavery, hatred, and oppressions!
The indigenous peoples of America shall be uplifted, given preference, and supported by all. Maps of the indigenous peoples prior to colonization will be taught in schools, immigrants will be naturalized, and by the looks of it, racists and actual “criminals” shall either be educated, redeemed or deported.
American is building and opening a Golden Door, supported by a wall of iron and lead. A legal door to remain eventually open to all, as all other nations obtain to prosperity within their borders, many Americans will emigrate to other places also, contributing to the beautification of all the world. War will become an “unknown” thing of the past, taught in history books in school. Future generations will scratch their heads in wonder, not being able to understand that long since rejected barbarism of national, ethnic, and religious prejudiced.
Not only will this happen, it’s happening even now, in America, the Middle-East, and all throughout the globe. “The zeal of the Lord of Hosts, shall perform this!”
The Oneness of Humanity and Universal Peace shall prevail. And WE SHALL OVERCOME!
Naturalize the faithful, loyal and True!
The national-security of the United States depends upon it! And the strength of the union is upheld by it! And the universal collective security of the world depends upon it!
“WE hold these TRUTHS to be self-evident!” E pluribus unum: many cooperating as one!
LNC 2137✨️

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services


The Bi-National State
What will happen to the “two-state” solution in the Middle-East? Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran have been in favour of a one-state solution for quite some time. The initial success of the Abraham Accords added to the timing of the October 7, 2023 attacks, as reported in the news media. The indiscriminate killing of both Sunni Muslims and Jews in the State of Israel, and the taking of Sunni Muslim hostages still held by Hamas along with Jewish hostages, has caused Sunni Muslims of Israel to voluntarily enlist in the IDF to free the Palestinian people from Hamas and to remove Hezbollah from Lebanon. These violent indiscriminate attacks against Muslims and Jews in Israel has been uniting Israeli Muslims and Jews towards a one-state solution: the exact opposite of the one-state proposed by Hamas, Hezbollah and current Iranian policy. The world is witnessing the final violent upheaval in that region. And the United States is now leaning toward the populist one state, bi-national state, remedy for these ruinous wars, in which Palestinians and Israelis will be united together in a bi-national state:
“The one-state solution is sometimes referred to as the bi-national state, owing to the hope that it would successfully deliver self-determination to Israelis and Palestinians in one country, thus granting both peoples independence as well as absolute access to all of the land.”
The majority of Muslims know Islam as a religion of peace, not war. The word “Islam” from “salam” in Arabic is “Shalom”–meaning Peace, in Hebrew. “Islam is the opposite of war”–Imam Razi. The majority of practicing Muslims “peace-makers” are opposed to the extremist views of militant “Covenant of Hamas” that sets war above peace, and states that the goal of Hamas is the “one-state” solution via annihilation of the entire state of Israel, altogether, of which the majority of Americans are unawares:
“The Covenant of the Islamic Resistance Movement was issued on August 18, 1988. The Islamic Resistance Movement, also known as the HAMAS, is an extremist fundamentalist [“pseudo”] Islamic organization operating in the territories under Israeli control. Its Covenant is a comprehensive manifesto comprised of 36 separate articles, all of which promote the basic HAMAS goal of destroying the State of Israel through Jihad (Islamic Holy War). The following are excerpts of the HAMAS Covenant:​​​​​​​​​​​​​
“​Goals of the HAMAS:
​”The Islamic Resistance Movement is a distinguished Palestinian movement, whose allegiance is to Allah, and whose way of life is Islam. It strives to raise the banner of Allah over every inch of Palestine.” (Article 6) [One-State Solution]
“On the destruction of Israel:
“Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam [HAMAS] will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it.” (Preamble) [One-State Solution]”
With the killing of Sunni Muslims in Israel by HAMAS, HAMAS has alienated the rest of the Sunni Muslim world, and we are witnessing the back-lash today of the move toward an actual one-state solution, where Muslims both within the State of Israel (joining the IDF and holding officer positions to eliminate HAMAS and Hezbollah to liberate the Palestinian civilians) and in the countries surrounding Israel–Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, UAE, Bahrain, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, etc–are moving in the direction of supporting the Abraham Accords and in favour of bringing that one-state into being as the bi-national state of Israel. Why?
Because “Jihad” literally means “effort”–not war! The greater Jihad is the effort each individual makes in their own personal life to become a peaceful, kind, just and loving person; and the Lesser Jihad, is the exterior effort to work toward a peaceful, kind, just and loving civilization. Islam, at its foundation, like Christianity and Judaism, is a religion of love, Kindness, personal growth and development and above all of Universal Peace. Muslims the world around, both Sunni and Shii do not support the war-doctrines, of Hamas, and the majority of Muslim peoples around the world, both Sunni and Shii, are separated from groups like Hamas and Hezbollah, as they know Islam as the religion of peace (Islam literally means peace) and they see Hamas and Hezbollah, that are killing Muslims and taking Muslims hostages as “on the wrong track.”
Ironically, the violence of Hamas and Hezbollah is causing the INTER-FAITH solution proposed in the Abraham Accords to be the desired type of INTER-FAITH remedy to restore good will and fair trade relations in the Middle East. Israel and the US favour the Palestinians of the West Bank being included in the newly emerging one state and of the people of Gaza being included in the newly emerging bi-nation state.
The American Revolution, the French Revolution, the Russian Revolution, the American Civil War, and today, the war in Israel, all resulted in the Outcomes of the cessation of wars within the borders of those nations, such as the union of the 50 States of America, under one flag, and as a Federation of States, held to be “one nation under God” and “indivisible” in outlook and cultural diversity and personal individuality, as upheld and guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States of America.
Bloodshed is not the way to go in vanquishing one people under another to establish peace because peace without justice is tyranny.
The current growing populist support by Muslims within the State of Israel to support a Bi-national State of Israel to end all wars in that region (Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, etc) and to unite a divided people–is gaining momentum both within the region, and in support of the neighbouring countries. And this conjoint effort, to free the people of Gaza to receive international aid, food, moneys, and support (that traditionally Hamas itself has diverted from the people of Gaza from directly receiving aid, in order to fund war plans, tunnel building, and the amassing of weapons, now fast coming to an end) is demonstrating to the rest of the people of the world, that any “state” “govt” or “group” that is explicitly in violation of the prophesied Kellogg-Briand Paris Peace Pact will be opposed by the united efforts of all the rest of the nations and peoples of the world.
Today, we are in the midst of A World Civil War, and not until the Supreme Tribunal is democratically elected to End All Wars before they start in the first place shall peace through justice and “pacific means” be durably and permanently established.
The refusal to accept the borders of the 1948 two-state solution, in 1967, resulted in the acquisition of the Sinai Pennisula, Jerusalem and Golan Heights. The Sinai was given back, and Egypt and Israel came into accord. The more Israel has been attacked, by those first Agressors against two-state, the more one-state bi-national agreement has gained both popularity support and strength,…a “strange act” to behold…and a heartwrenching calamity for all people on all sides…
My point is this: regardless of how the ultimate outcome in Israel-Palestine is overcome: concerning the Greater World Civil War globally, violence is not the way to proceed. We today need to learn the lessons of American, British, French and Russian Revolutions, lessons from the killing of children and brother killing brother in the American Civil War, lessons from WWI and WWII to Renounce violence and warfare FOREVER, and to use “pacific means” for the amicable and conclusive settlement of any and all disputes.
Prayer is needed here to bolster and strengthen OUR DEEDS to bring about Universal Peace and to make the Oneness of Humanity Action Based in all our ways and means about how we, as one single race of human beings, go about our daily affairs in treating one another always in Loving kindness.
The prophecies shall all come true! The golden age shall be established. These ruinous wars shall end. All people shall embrace as one single family. The household of humanity will be inclusive of all. None shall be left out. All shall be cared for, supported and loved! Politics won’t resolve this, neither material means, but “the zeal of the Lord of Hosts shall perform this”–for nothing short of the supernatural Power of God–LOVE–has this capability. Today, these days of Guy Fawkes and Armistice–hearts are united, and minds reach for Spirit, for LOVE shall overcome and conquer, no matter what the adversary may do or say!
“It is an old saying that 1,000 builders are not equal to one destroyer—how much more if there are one thousand destroyers after one builder? “–‘Abdu’l-Baha
Universal Peace for the Oneness of Humanity! The pacific party shall prevail! We shall overcome!
LNC 2137✨️

One State Solution


Our military needs GAS and OIL to secure the basic safety and security of American Democracy and to protect the free and open society of the people of the United Stares, our collective security of independence of western life-style, and to uphold the Universal Declaration of Unalienable Human Rights (Bill of Rights) under American Constitutional Law, as preserved under Article 3 of the prophesied Kellogg-Briand Paris Peace Pact (1928; Ez. 37:26 “the everlasting Covenant of Peace”).
The American people WITHIN the borders of the United States, and within the State Borders of each Constitution of each State, DO NOT need GAS and OIL within the borders of the nation. Why?
Because the 50 states are not at war with one another. Because the 50 states have national guards, and military bases within each state.
This fundamental TRUTH and obvious REALIZATION enables all peoples within the country to go green and electric, or hydroelectric, or full hydro, or something else, with all our cars and vehicles operating within the country, while ONLY the military needs GAS and OIL.
This fundamental necessarily of strengthening the military forces, while freeing the peoples daily needs for gas and oil, will swiftly bring about the Golden Age of Divine Civilization for America and for the total liberation and independence of all its people.
Going GREEN domestic, will create millions of more jobs, make the rich richer, and elevate the poor out of abject poverty into a baseline of a strong and vibrant middle class lifestyle for all.
With GAS and OIL no longer needed to satisfy domestic energy needs, the American Military Forces, will be the sole consumers of gas and oil powered vehicles, along with certain construction machines, and necessary farming and agricultural equipment, that can be feuled by hybrids and biodeisal if necessary to get the job done.
America’s vast oil reserves, therefore, would be even more abundant to free the United States to remain an undaunted military might, protecting the new Green High Tech lifestyle within the borders of the nation. According to FRONTLINE:
“Military forces, when they are strong and ready and modern, are a credible — and tangible — addition to a nation’s power. When both the intangible national will and those forces are forged into one instrument, national power becomes effective.”
Furthermore, Activating Article 2 of the prophesied Kellogg-Briand Paris Peace Pact (1928, Ez. 37:26) will greatly reduce the need for burning gas and oil by the military that will only need that for military drills, exercises, and “war games”, never needing to be used in actual “hot wars.”
How will this come about?
First, certain states, will volunteer to be the first to go 100% GREEN within their own borders. The sucess or failure of this endeavor will set the stage for all other states to get in on the act, once total sucess overcomes all failure. How will this happen?
Let’s take an important and central state, such as Michigan, for example.
Michigan economy is greatly tied into the automotive industry. Michigan will become the largest manufacturer of affordable green vehicles, that all the people in the state will own and operate. The workers in Michigan will make enough money to easily buy back the goods and vehicles they produce. Michigan will be the first state to also go green on energy production to power all the needs of the people within the state both commercial, industrial, private and public sector, and for personal and home use. No gas, coal or oil will be needed in Michigan to produce the abundant energy needs of all. Both the Automotive Industry and the Big Power companies of Michigan will become efficient, clean, wealthy and prosperous. Agriculture, science and technology, and industry will be strengthened in Michigan. If Pure Michigan can be the first, for example, to make this work, then Michigan and Detroit will become the national leader of the Golden Age of American society, when it comes to both strengthening and fortifying, the covenant of iron (industry) with the covenant of wood (agriculture) to unite as a single covenant of gold. Should Michigan do this ease, wealth and prosperity for all will be the norm and the rule for all, and not the exception to it. Community gardens will be established in the urban centers. Jobs will abound. Education will flourish. Arts, science, and entertainment will abound. And the Tiger’s will win the world series, and the Lion’s will win a superbowl. Such is the imagination, optimism, and Spirit of Unity we all must have to dance the dream awake. In such a state, no one will have time for crime, small businesses owner-operated will flourish, poverty will be a thing of the past, and people will be so high on life, that drug addictions and suicides, and school shootings will become an unheard of thing of the past!
My point is this: if states go green within their own borders in both power production and transportation then oil and gas can be used where it is most necessary NATIONAL DEFENSE.
Furthermore, as America becomes the world leader in AGAIN being the premier democratic nation to uphold the prophesied Kellogg-Briand Paris Peace Pact, like it did during the DAYS OF WWII, much less gas and oil will be needed to POWER the UNSTOPPABLE MILITARY MIGHT of the United States of America, and to establish peace within its own borders.
Gas and Oil are needed to “win” the war, and winning this current war means deterrence from stopping all wars in the first place.
The absurd and unnecessary use of oil and gas dependence domesticly is threatening national security Internationally!!!
Going green in energy production and transportation and home use domesticly is imperative if America and all Americans wish to survive and protect the American way of life in this next century! Every tank of gas each citizen consumes is one less tank of gas our soldiers need to thrive and survive overseas. Think about it!
Detroit, will still manufacture military equipment and agricultural machines too. More jobs will be created. The rich will get richer, and the poor will become affluent and poverty free. If a volunteer state like Michigan, is able to this, then high population states like New York and California will follow, until all 50 states are 100% green within. We have the tech, the strength, the funds, the logistics, the know-how to do it! All we need is the united will of all the people, big business and industry to bring this about.
Friends! We currently live in a violent and unpredictable world in desperate need for Universal Peace and the Oneness of Humanity!
If America falls, the American Dream, and Constitutional Democracy falls along with it! That means, America, just cannot afford to have its military might dependant upon huge consumption of FOREIGN supplies of gas and oil, and the best and easiest practical immediate REMEDY is that American use of gas and oil domesticly go for the MILITARY and all domestic power and transportation go green, the sooner the better!
Furthermore, it’s good for the air. It’s good for the water. It’s good for the environment. It’s good for the heart, mind and soul! Its good for you, its good for me, its good for everyone!
In the long run–when Universal international disarmament takes place, fossil fuels feeding military death machines will fade away as well, as “old soldiers” do…War and death, a thing of the past…”Death! Where is thy sting!?”
America and all the world stands at the precipice of democratically electing the Supreme Tribunal to end all war, and America, the first to uphold the prophesied Kellogg-Briand Paris Peace Pact in 1928, shall remain a leader in world influence ONLY AGAIN in being the leader in upholding the prophesied Kellogg-Briand Paris Peace Pact today at its Centenary in 2028, that fast approaches.
What type of sacrifice is it, to sacrifice domestic use of gas and oil for the unlimited use by necessary military might? In a new world, where even war itself, shall become a thing of the past?
Going green domesticly is essential if America is to remain strong, bright, and undefeated internationally. And in the end, even war itself shall be defeated.
“United we stand! Divided we fall!”
“One nation, under God”; and as it says ON THE MONEY: “IN GOD, WE TRUST”…
LNC 2137✨️

“A conquest can be a praiseworthy thing, and there are times when war becomes the powerful basis of peace, and ruin the very means of reconstruction. If, for example, a high-minded sovereign marshals his troops to block the onset of the insurgent and the aggressor, or again, if he takes the field and distinguishes himself in a struggle to unify a divided state and people, if, in brief, he is waging war for a righteous purpose, then this seeming wrath is mercy itself, and this apparent tyranny the very substance of justice and this warfare the cornerstone of peace. Today, the task befitting great rulers is to establish universal peace, for in this lies the freedom of all peoples.” (‘Abdu’l-Baha, SDC)

The Uses Of Military Force


The Three Articles of the League of Nations Covenant #2137 Outlawing War. We Call on All Signatory Nations to Come Together and Elect the Committee To Abolish War to Activate This Binding Covenant of Peace and Friendship, the Covenant of Lasting Peace!

The Twelve Basic Principles of the Baha’i Faith

Baha’i Month: Qudrat/Power 1, 181 B.E. (11/4/2024)

Monday, November 4th, 2024

I verily proclaim: “There is no power nor strength except in God, the Help in Peril, the Self-Subsisting.”

Baha’u’llah, Gems of Divine Mysteries



ALL over Europe today one hears of meetings and assemblies, and societies of all kinds are formed. There are those interested in commerce, science, and politics, and many others. All these are for material service, their desire being for the progress and enlightenment of the world of matter. But rarely does a breath from the spirit world breathe upon them. They seem unconscious of the Divine Voice, careless concerning the things of God. But this meeting in Paris is a truly spiritual one. The Divine Breath is poured forth in your midst, the light of the Kingdom is shining in all hearts. The Divine love of God is a power among you, and with souls athirst, ye receive the glad tidings of great joy.

You are all met here with one accord, heart drawn to heart, souls overflowing with Divine love, working and longing for the unity of the world.

Verily this assembly is a spiritual one! It is like unto a beautiful perfumed garden! On it the Heavenly Sun sheds the golden rays, and the warmth thereof penetrates and gladdens each waiting heart. The love of Christ, which passeth all knowledge, is among you, the Holy Spirit is your help.

Day by day this meeting will grow and become more powerful until gradually its spirit will conquer the whole world!

Try with all your hearts to be willing channels for God’s Bounty. For I say unto you that He has chosen you to be His messengers of love throughout the world, to be His bearers of spiritual gifts to man, to be the means of spreading unity and concord on the earth. Thank God with all your hearts that such a privilege has been given unto you. For a life devoted to praise is not too long in which to thank God for such a favor.

Lift up your hearts above the present and look with eyes of faith into the future! Today the seed is sown, the grain falls upon the earth, but behold the day will come when it shall rise a glorious tree and the branches thereof shall be laden with fruit. Rejoice and be glad that this day has dawned, try to realize its power, for it is indeed wonderful! God has crowned you with honor and in your hearts has He set a radiant star; verily the light thereof shall brighten the whole world!

Abdul-Baha’-Paris Talks, November 4, 1911


The Twelve Basic Principles of the Baha’i Faith

The Three Articles of the League of Nations Covenant #2137 Outlawing War. It is Long Overdue that we Call on All Signatory Nations to Come Together and Elect the Committee To Abolish War to Activate This Binding Covenant of Peace and Friendship, the Covenant of Lasting Peace.