Archive for February, 2013

Baha’u’llah – Monarch – The Return Of Christ

Sunday, February 10th, 2013

Baha’u’llah was the ninth of nine Manifestations of God during the last 6000 year cycle of the spiritual evolution of humanity.

“O Son of Spirit! My first counsel is this: Possess a pure, kindly and radiant heart, that thine may be a sovereignty ancient, imperishable and everlasting.” -Baha’u’llah

Baha’u’llah fulfills prophecy for the second coming of Christ in the potency of the Everlasting Father seated upon the throne of David that is to last for ever (Isaiah 9:6-7). Like Jesus Christ, the Herald of the Kingdom, Baha’u’llah fulfills prophecy by His prophesied name (Mark 8:38), His prophesied date, the time in which He was to appear, His prophesied address, or the place He was to come (Mt. Carmel, see Isaiah 35), and His prophesied profession or mission to reveal and establish the Kingdom of God on earth as it is in Heaven, by revealing the blue print for the House of the Lord with the Davidic King seated on the Throne of David as its president. Baha’u’llah does not do away with true Christianity, He fulfills it! Whereas Judaism is the root and Christianity is the branch, the Baha’i Faith is the leaf, flower, and fruit of this same tree of everlasting life planted by God of which if man eats, he lives for ever and ever.

The Bab

Saturday, February 9th, 2013

The Bab was the eighth of nine Manifestations of God during the last 6000 year cycle of the spiritual evolution of humanity.

“Is there any Remover of difficulties save God? Say: Praised be God! He is God! All are His servants and all abide by His bidding!”
The Báb
Forerunner of Baha’u’llah (in the same manner that John the Baptist was the Forerunner to Jesus Christ). Prophet and founder of the Babi Faith. Reformer of Islam. Bab is a Persian, Arabic and Aramaic word which means “Gate” or “Door”. The Bab closed the door to the Age of Prophecy (about the coming of the kingdom of God and Earth) and He opened the door to the Age of Fulfillment (which we are in the infant stage of now).The principle writing of the Bab is the Bayan.


Thursday, February 7th, 2013

Muhammad was the seventh of nine Manifestations of God during the last 6000 year cycle of the spiritual evolution of humanity.

“Not one of you is a believer until he desires for another that which he desires for himself.” (Muhammad, 40 Hadith of an-Nawawi 13)

Jesus Christ

Tuesday, February 5th, 2013

Jesus was the sixth of nine Manifestations of God during the last 6000 year cycle of the spiritual evolution of humanity.

“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” (Luke 6:31)
Two thousand years ago, God sent Jesus into this world as the Herald of His Kingdom. Thus Jesus told the people to pray like this: “Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed by Thy Name, Thy Kingdom come, it will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” Here Jesus tells us that the Kingdom of God is the Kingdom of the Father who is to come upon the earth. That the Name of the Father, and not the name of the Son, is that which is Hallowed. Thus the Father Himself is to appear, seated upon David’s throne (Is. 9:6,7) and bring the Kingdom of the Father, the Kingdom of God to the earth as it was in the heaven of prophecy.The Kingdom of God is a real Kingdom with laws, subjects and a King, It is the government of God ruling from the throne of King David which is the Executive branch of the Universal House of Justice of Baha’u’llah. This reality is foreseen by the great Hebrew prophet Isaiah in the 9th chapter of his extensive visions for the future of all mankind.


Monday, February 4th, 2013

Buddha was the fifth of nine Manifestations of God during the last 6000 year cycle of the spiritual evolution of humanity.

“Hurt not others with that which pains yourself or in ways that you yourself would find hurtful. One should seek for others the happiness one desires for one’s self” (Udana-Varqa, 5:18)


Saturday, February 2nd, 2013

Zoroaster was the fourth of nine Manifestations of God during the last 6000 year cycle of the spiritual evolution of humanity.

That which is good for all and any one, for whomsoever – that is good for me. What I hold good for self, I should for all. Only Law Universal, is true Law.” (Zoroaster, Yasana-Gathas)


Friday, February 1st, 2013

Krishna was the third of nine Manifestations of God during the last 6000 year cycle of the spiritual evolution of humanity.

“Do not to others what ye do not wish done to yourself; and wish for others too, what ye desire and long for, for yourself. This is the whole of Dharma, heed it well.” (The Celestial Song, 2:65)